Lifestyle Wallace

GAULEY SEASON VIDEO CONTEST ~ Win This Shirt (And a lot of other Swag!) from Dirt Bag Paddlers! by Bart Harvey of Class5Casting

WIN THIS SHIRT (and lots of other DBP SWAG). POST YOUR GAULEY EDIT TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE NOW! Tag it with your shirt size and a short description by Bridge Day TO WIN this shirt from Class5Casting! You’ll also win stickers and a PFD Patch from us.

Just post your video and be prepared to be messaged by the page for more info. All entries get a DBP logo decal. You gotta play to win!

From Bart at “This is a way to spread the love…Here’s the idea:

We were born from fund raising efforts… last year we produced ceramic ornaments for the local paddling club and after recycling the profits we were able to supply a local river fest with no cost polyurethane keychains, pewter trophies and more. Proceeds from purchases and raffle drawings helped to raise money for American Whitewater and adaptive paddling programs like Kayak New Mexico…We again, “recycled” profits into new products and merchandise; the ball “keeps rolling”…cool boating merchandise, that’s always new…donations to river related non-profits….it’s that easy.

Our casting specialist, and workhorse, is second generation boatman named Bart Harvey. He has worked as safety kayaker, paddle captain, oars man, sport boat, drift and J-rig operator in the four corners area for most of his life. He is currently an ACA level 4 kayak instructor and is working towards his adaptive paddling certification. On weekends he hosts local Saturday pool sessions where he teaches his families third generation of boaters and offers instruction to attendees at no cost.

We here at Class5Casting love the river lifestyle and we’re are stoked to be reaching out beyond local the local paddling community…we’ve decided to start with the roots by giving it away to the DBP hommies. If you dig it, we will make more and send it your way. Special thanks to the DBP administrators for the opportunity…and keep an eye out for more unique shwag from Class5Casting…it’s not mass marketed, so if you like it, get it while you can… See you on the river!”

By Chicago Mike

Editor-in-Chief "Chicago" Mike Toughill is co-founder of Dirt Bag Paddlers and former Peshtigo River Manager at Kosir's Rapid Rafts in Wisconsin. He's been Wallacing since 2003.

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